TextWrangler: I dropped the Markdown 1.0.1 Perl script into
~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Unix Support/Unix Filters/
I renamed it "Convert Markdown to HTML" for a friendlier menu name,
and to distinguish it from another script that converts HTML to
If anyone knows how to do it, I'd like to see a Markdown item on Mac
OS X's Services menu, so that I can reach it from TextEdit or
wherever. Ditto for Markdown Extra.
On 4 Sep 2008, at 1:51 PM, Tim Visher wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Has anyone installed Markdown for Coda, Writeroom, Textwrangler, or OS
> X? I'm really interested in using this more but I'm interested in
> finding the best way to use. Biggest win for me would be for it to
> work from within Writeroom. Textwrangler would be next, followed by
> OS X, and Coda would be almost useless. I did see that MacPorts has 2
> different distros of markdown (one in python and one for perl). Is
> that the way to go to install, or should the script just be
> downloaded?
> Anyway, thoughts would be helpful. Thanks in advance!
> --
> In Christ,
> Timmy V.
> burningones.com
> five.sentenc.es - Spend less time on e-mail
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