Debian Bug Tracking System
2004-Jun-07 16:18 UTC
[Logcheck-devel] Processed: adjust current bug reports
Processing commands for control at> noowner #244411Bug#244411: logcheck: Upgrade loses symlinks in /etc/logcheck Removed annotation that Bug was owned by Gerfried Fuchs <alfie at>.> owner #244511 alfie at debian.orgBug#244511: logcheck-database: While up- or downgrading logcheck-database: "Internal Error: linkfile() called without names !" Owner recorded as alfie at> tags #206495 -patchBug#206495: logcheck-database: Missing rules for postfix/virtual Tags were: moreinfo patch sid Tags removed: patch> tags #252784 -patchBug#252784: logcheck: /etc/logcheck/* should be world-readable Tags were: patch Tags removed: patch> severity #252784 wishlistBug#252784: logcheck: /etc/logcheck/* should be world-readable Severity set to `wishlist'.> severity #252966 seriousBug#252966: /usr/sbin/logcheck: line 84: kill: No such process Severity set to `serious'.> tags #252966 patchBug#252966: /usr/sbin/logcheck: line 84: kill: No such process There were no tags set. Tags added: patch> tags #244171 moreinfoBug#244171: logcheck: regular expression in logcheck ignore files for INN is broken There were no tags set. Tags added: moreinfo> tags #253022 moreinfoBug#253022: logcheck-database: Inaccurate fetchmail regexp There were no tags set. Tags added: moreinfo> thanksStopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. Debian bug tracking system administrator (administrator, Debian Bugs database)