Thank you guys for the fast replies (!), now I can continue without worrying
about it.
-- Moritz
On 2/17/2013 1:46 PM, Daniel Murphy wrote:> These values are masks for numbers. LLVMAlignment uses 5 bits, so the
> mask is 31 (0b11111) and these bits (16-20) cannot be used by other
> flags so the next available bit is 21. Same thing for LLVMStackAlignment.
On 2/17/2013 1:53 PM, Benjamin Kramer wrote:> This is intentional. LLVMAlignment is not just a bit, it's a 5 bit
value so we reserve 5 bits for it. Same for the 3 bits LLVMStackAlignment uses.
> - Ben
On 2/17/2013 1:59 PM, Anton Korobeynikov wrote:> Hello
> This is fine and intended. All this stuff works like bitmasks.
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