On 07/10/2012 06:46 AM, hcyy wrote:> Hello, everybody. I use NFS to do live migration?After input virsh
> --connect=qemu:///system --quiet migrate --live vm12
qemu+tcp://pcmk-1/system (vm12 is vm name,/pcmk-1 is host name)it use almost
10s for preparation. During the 10s,the vm is still runing and can ping other
vm. But if i input mkdir pcmk-6 in vm during the 10s,it say :mkdir: cannot
create directory `pcmk-6': Read-only file system. Anybody can tell me
this situation is due to my wrong configure or libvirt cannot mkdir during
The act of migration should not be guest-visible, so if you are seeing a
read-only directory from within your guest, it is most likely some other
issue and not migration itself that caused the problem.
Eric Blake eblake at redhat.com +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library libvirt.org
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