Hello, Just installed 2.1.0, and it seems to be working well. I have a problem I thought user auth on 2.1.0 would fix, namely, I want to control access to an icecast instance which is the source for the primary broadcast icecast. [backstory: a few months ago, the stream was originally broadcasting directly from a box in the engineering room, encoding from a booth line. Listeners would connect directly to this box to listen. After a month broadcasting with this arrangement it became apparent that we were using too much of the overprepared and expensive university bandwidth (5 9s, etc), and procured, configured and initiated broadcast from another machine in a data center. This new machine relays from the old machine in the engineering room and is the primary broadcast box for the station (cjsw.com).] The problem is that users are still connecting directly to the (private) relay box, and not the new coloc box. What I wish to do is to deny access to (non-relaying) listeners on the relay. I was hoping to use the 2.1.0 auth for this, but there is no <user> and <password> configuration for relays. Another solution would be to rename the original relay mount points and adjust the public broadcaster settings accordingly, but I've found that the name of the mountpoint on the relay is used as the mountpoint on the relayer (ie, changing the source mount point to /new-mount.ogg causes the mount on the relaying box to change to /new-mount.ogg and not maintain /mount.ogg name, despite being specified in <local-mount>). Have any dev's any advice? Have these problems had light shone on them before? Thanks, Andy Taylor (benow.ca/cjsw.com) P.S. 2.0 has been a champ, handling months on continous broadcast, 40+ listeners at a time without a hiccup. The foundation for great improvements in open broadcasting!