Icecast - Jan 2005

Monday January 31 2005
10:02AM 0 I can listen to a stream locally but not from anywhereelse.
9:24AM 2 I can listen to a stream locally but not from anywhere else.
8:55AM 0 I can listen to a stream locally but not from anywhere else.
8:47AM 2 I can listen to a stream locally but not from anywhere else.
8:15AM 0 I can listen to a stream locally but not from anywhere else.
Sunday January 30 2005
2:32PM 0 Icecast 404 in the stats page
10:54AM 1 Re: desire box
10:26AM 0 Icecast 404 in the stats page
1:37AM 0 desire box
1:32AM 2 desire box
1:06AM 0 desire box
1:02AM 1 pidfile disabled
Friday January 28 2005
6:54PM 0 pidfile disabled
7:40AM 0 Players halting
7:25AM 2 pidfile disabled
7:23AM 2 Players halting
Thursday January 27 2005
7:19AM 0 Persistent audio streams?
6:23AM 1 change song
1:55AM 2 ices 2.0.1 release
1:38AM 0 ices 2.0.1 release
Wednesday January 26 2005
6:40PM 1 Persistent audio streams?
Tuesday January 25 2005
7:51PM 1 Darkice/Streamer
11:05AM 0 Darkice/Streamer
8:12AM 3 Darkice/Streamer
Monday January 24 2005
9:13PM 2 Sound card recommendation?
7:22PM 0 Different encodings on different ports
6:58PM 2 Different encodings on different ports
4:44PM 1 .mp3 and .ogg streamed both as .ogg
11:06AM 1 Your ideas ...
7:25AM 1 Icecast re-ecnoding.
5:26AM 1 automake: Internal Error
Sunday January 23 2005
9:35PM 1 icecast and jack
8:37PM 0 icecast and jack
3:52PM 3 icecast and jack
12:09PM 0 Persistent audio streams?
10:54AM 2 ices 2.0.1 release
7:15AM 0 Re: EROR: no DNS
12:01AM 1 libshout on AIX
Saturday January 22 2005
7:51PM 1 EROR: no DNS
7:30PM 0 EROR: no DNS
7:23PM 3 EROR: no DNS
7:21PM 2 Persistent audio streams?
4:42PM 0 EROR: no DNS
3:54PM 5 EROR: no DNS
Friday January 21 2005
9:34AM 3 desire box
7:40AM 1 Looking for a better way
Thursday January 20 2005
8:16PM 0 http/cgi metadata updating
5:20PM 2 http/cgi metadata updating
4:49PM 0 http/cgi metadata updating
4:40PM 2 http/cgi metadata updating
4:05PM 1 Shoutcast compatable mode
5:43AM 2 ices2
Wednesday January 19 2005
4:39PM 0 file only storing with ices 2 ?
3:14PM 3 file only storing with ices 2 ?
10:05AM 1 Icecast and logrotate
8:30AM 1 Icecast branches
6:46AM 1 ezstream question
6:23AM 0 ezstream question
1:35AM 2 ezstream question
12:53AM 0 ezstream question
12:26AM 3 ezstream question
Tuesday January 18 2005
11:06PM 1 libshout error with pthread_mutex_init using
3:49AM 3 Several Questions about Ices2 & icecast2
Sunday January 16 2005
6:14PM 1 Error running configure when installing icecast
2:19AM 2 two problems with flac and ices 0.4 build
Saturday January 15 2005
11:51AM 1 searching for a script which parse the xml to a php site (last played tracks)
11:05AM 1 Recommendations
10:20AM 0 New guy on the block
9:03AM 2 New guy on the block
6:24AM 0 A few more ezstream questions
Friday January 14 2005
11:59PM 2 ezstream keeps getting glibc error on song
11:59AM 2 A few more ezstream questions
11:00AM 1 Reencoding mp3pro in mp3pro or mp3 with ices
8:59AM 1 Links in stats.xsl
8:11AM 1 ices 0.4 playlist updating...
6:40AM 1 ices 0.4 can't find playlists...
4:48AM 0 Reencoding mp3pro in mp3pro or mp3 with ices
4:42AM 2 Reencoding mp3pro in mp3pro or mp3 with ices
4:26AM 1 <intro> stream stopt after intro
4:25AM 0 <intro> stream stopt after intro
4:23AM 0 Reencoding mp3pro in mp3pro or mp3 with ices
3:41AM 2 cpu time by reencode
3:39AM 4 <intro> stream stopt after intro
2:55AM 2 Reencoding mp3pro in mp3pro or mp3 with ices
2:54AM 1 Ez-Stream and Error
12:41AM 0 ezstream reencode
12:29AM 2 ezstream reencode
12:26AM 0 ezstream reencode
Thursday January 13 2005
11:59PM 2 ezstream reencode
9:03PM 0 ices 0.4 can't find playlists...
8:43PM 3 ices 0.4 can't find playlists...
5:41PM 0 listener authentication for multiple mountpoints
4:37PM 1 client connections seems high
4:12PM 0 client connections seems high
3:43PM 0 Mozilla Player?
3:41PM 0 ezstream reencode
3:06PM 0 Need help with Listener Authentication
3:01PM 0 Ices Crashing (BUS error)
2:58PM 2 Need help with Listener Authentication
2:55PM 3 client connections seems high
1:55PM 1 client connections seems high
10:20AM 0 client connections seems high
9:24AM 0 Mozilla Player?
6:58AM 0 ezstream reencode
5:57AM 4 ezstream reencode
5:44AM 2 Ices Crashing (BUS error)
1:44AM 3 Mozilla Player?
1:13AM 0 Recomendations
Wednesday January 12 2005
5:15PM 1 Always question about live and playlist
3:31PM 1 ices0 config for high and low bandwidth users
2:42PM 2 Recomendations
Tuesday January 11 2005
9:41AM 1 Exit Icecast
9:07AM 0 Exit Icecast
6:41AM 3 Exit Icecast
12:41AM 1 IntroFile Feature Request for Icecast2 Server
Monday January 10 2005
11:58PM 0 ***SPAM*** Re: ezstream grabing line-in input?... (newbie)
10:46PM 1 ***SPAM*** Re: ezstream grabing line-in input?... (newbie)
9:46PM 0 ezstream grabing line-in input?... (newbie)
5:51PM 4 ezstream grabing line-in input?... (newbie)
2:41PM 6 listener authentication for multiple mountpoints; client connections seems high
6:39AM 0 ezstream is streaming differently bitrate to config file
5:51AM 2 ezstream is streaming differently bitrate to config file
Sunday January 9 2005
3:03PM 1 Question about live and playlist
2:52PM 0 Ices Crashing (BUS error)
9:16AM 2 Ices Crashing (BUS error)
8:29AM 1 eztream broken pipe, 0.2.0 doesnt compile
4:44AM 0 Statically linked ices0
Saturday January 8 2005
8:22PM 0 eztream broken pipe, 0.2.0 doesnt compile
Friday January 7 2005
6:25AM 0 Alias & web interface ?
Thursday January 6 2005
7:28PM 0 ices config problems
7:12PM 4 ices config problems
10:26AM 1 listener authentication
Wednesday January 5 2005
10:47AM 2 eztream broken pipe
Tuesday January 4 2005
8:55PM 1 Darwin Server
12:36PM 1 Shout Multiple Mount Problem
10:19AM 0 range support / stream seeking not supported byWinamp 5 and WMP 10?
9:59AM 2 range support / stream seeking not supported byWinamp 5 and WMP 10?
9:47AM 0 ices segmentation fault
6:29AM 0 range support / stream seeking not supported by Winamp 5 and WMP 10?
5:55AM 2 range support / stream seeking not supported by Winamp 5 and WMP 10?
5:01AM 1 Synchronous playback on multiple clients
Monday January 3 2005
4:46PM 2 ices segmentation fault
6:07AM 0 Icecast RPM for Fedora Core 3
5:47AM 0 yp dir
Sunday January 2 2005
9:02PM 1 Disable Burst-on-Connect
8:22PM 0 soundtap - a solution for broadcasting iTunes on Mac OS X
4:02PM 4 yp dir
3:59PM 0 OpenSource Nicecast project - anyone interested?
2:58PM 0 YP listings - how, why, where...
1:50PM 0 Help! I have a question about configuration of icecast and oddcast
11:43AM 2 YP listings - how, why, where...
10:16AM 0 YP listings - how, why, where...
10:02AM 3 YP listings - how, why, where...
9:57AM 0 Re: donŽt lose the listners at dj changing
7:22AM 2 donŽt lose the listners at dj changing
7:10AM 0 Disable Burst-on-Connect
6:21AM 3 Disable Burst-on-Connect
5:48AM 0 Re: donŽt lose the listners at dj changing
4:52AM 2 Re: don´t lose the listners at dj changing
4:30AM 0 don´t lose the listners at dj changing
12:54AM 2 don´t lose the listners at dj changing
Saturday January 1 2005
10:18PM 2 Live streaming from Mac OS X
10:18PM 0 icecast2.2 and aac?
10:18PM 1 Ices and ALSA / OSS
10:18PM 2 Help! I have a question about configuration of icecast and oddcast
10:17PM 0 Icecast RPM for Fedora Core 3
7:36PM 0 Shoutcast Compatibility
3:09PM 4 Shoutcast Compatibility
4:41AM 0 Live streaming from Mac OS X