Hello, I have a 5x3 distributed-replicate gluster v3.3.1 volume on xfs bricks running rhel6.3/x86_64. I've populated the volume with ~130G of data so far and noticed that triplicate bricks consume different amounts of disk space. Some triplicates have 2 of 3 bricks consume similar disk (1,2,3 triplicate below), 4th triplicate all different sizes, while the 5th triplicate all consume the same amount of disk. Host Used node1 19778532 node2 19778644 1 node3 19778532 node4 33153484 node5 33154232 2 node6 33154232 node7 18017708 node8 18017708 3 node9 18017692 node10 28565512 node11 28565416 4 node12 28565464 node13 34858100 node14 34858100 5 node15 34858100 Some more info... I started with just a replicated volume (1x3) then added each triplicate followed by 'gluster volume rebalance gv0 start' to end up with a 5x3 distributed-replicated volume. One more thing, I have 'cluster.quorum-type: auto'. 'gluster volume heal gv0 full' runs successfully and doesn't change disk usage. Is brick disk consumption variance normal? -ht