Dear List! Using every successive isue, I have the same trouble: to write a simple CD. My writer is TEAC W540E, last rel. 5_1. Hardware is healty, cause on the same hdd I have obsolette RedHat 7.3 that writes perfect. I use scsi-emulation via camcontrol and cdrecord. So, I make iso image, put everything in a command line as I always do, and on freeBSD cannot be sure, that the result will be correct. It writes, ejects and... Many times simple mount command fires lamp on a cd-drive, it blinks, blinks... and system goes down. On linux I even didn't change configure file in /etc/defaults. On freeBSD cdrecord knows what is a writer, uses mmc_cdr driver and makes bad CD at all. Never heard that some of you on the list has even mention, that has problem with writing CDs. It must be something like improper flag, bad os copy... For instance, it works perfect on linux: mkisofs -allow-multidot -allow-lowercase -l -r -J -iso-level 3\ -relaxed-filenames -C xx -M 0,1,0 etc and cdrecord -multi speed=x dev=0,1,0 -data -eject letter.iso Why new version (2) of cdrtools makes all od this on my machine? "cdda2wav is even worse. It doesn't support -t (lone track), -B (make every track separate). When started, cannot be stopped. I have to make reset (I could not remember, when I had to do it last time). Some cartoon hero would cry "help". Linux will make it untill I hear your opinion. ZK