Currently MSVS can build dynamic libraries (libFLAC_dynamic.dll, libFLAC++_dynamic.dll), static libraries (libFLAC_static.lib, libFLAC++_static.lib) and executables (flac.exe, metaflac.exe, etc). All executables are statically linked to libFLAC. It's possible to create a flac.exe that is linked to thr libFLAC DLL file, but it requires manual editing of various projects in the FLAC solution. is this configuration supported? I ask because such configuration breaks support of non-ASCII filenames. Both flac.exe and libFLAC_dynamic.dll were staically linked to different copies of win_utf8_io_static.lib, then flac.exe sets its copy of win_utf8_io_codepage variable to CP_UTF8, and the copy of this variable inside libFLAC_dynamic.dll is always equal to CP_ACP. As a result flac sends UTF8-encoded strings to libFLAC, and libFLAC treats them as ANSI-encoded.