The U.S. government is lawless and the Cloud Act is meaningless, like
U.S. Constitution. The laws are written to placate the masses, to delude
U.S. citizens into thinking they're still free. There is no privacy in
the United States and all major corporations, the courts, and the
alphabet agencies are in bed together. Assume the worst about them.
Microsoft and Bill Gates are like inoperable tumors.
On 5/8/2020 4:49 PM, Peter wrote:>
> Am 08.05.20 um 23:52 schrieb Bernd Petrovitsch:
>> I assume you are aware of
>> so using software from (heavily) US-based companies
>> implies that all data (controlled by said companies) will -
>> sooner or later - end up in the databases of
>> US-3-letter-organizations.
>> So forget about GDPR compliance with such software
>> providers.
> Curiously, the linked wiki page says to the contrary, quote:
>> The CLOUD Act [?] provides mechanisms for the companies or the courts
>> to reject or challenge these [warrants by US-3-letter-organizations]
>> if they believe the request violates the privacy rights of the
>> foreign country the data is stored in.