Hello again,
i still have problems using a Shared Namespace in my configuration.
I'm using Dovecot 2.2.9.
mail_location maildir:/home/vmail/%d/%n/MAILDIR:INDEX=/home/vmail/%d/%n/INDEX/
namespace inbox {
type = private
separator = /
prefix inbox = yes
This works create.
namespace {
type = shared
separator = /
prefix = shared/%%u/
subscriptions = no
list = children
I'm still not sure how i can see a shared mailbox on a different account. I
can add ACL rules and dovecot is adding SQL-Entries to the user-shares
table. The dovecot-acl-list file is created too, hope
this is okay (vfile + SQL)
But i can't see the shared folder on the target account.
I tried many location-pathes, but not sure how i can add the right folder.
There must be a problem with %%d and %%u.
Thank you very much,