On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 11:22 -0500, Adam Seering wrote:> Hi,
> I have a setup where users on my server who are subscribed to several
> lists on a (remote) weirdly-configured listserver are getting many
> duplicate e-mails. I know why this is happening; but I don't have
> control over that listserver so I can't fix it. Is there a way for me
> to suppress duplicates from within Dovecot? The duplicates do all have
> the same (otherwise-unique) message ID.
> "dovecot --version" gives 1.0.rc15. I'm using exim for
SMTP. I'm also
> using dovecot-lda, with the Sieve plugin. There's a rather old thread
> on this list that mentions that dovecot-lda+Sieve should be able to
> suppress duplicates; it's not doing so automagically, though...
There's currently no duplicate suppression code in Dovecot. Maybe it
would be possible to execute some duplicate suppression program (I know
there are some, but can't remember any names - one came with procmail I
guess?) before calling deliver.
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