On 09/27/2016 11:55 AM, Always Learning wrote:> * in C6.5 (my install disk; OS be updated to C6.8) USB2 works but USB3
> does not.
It is a bit confusing how you worded this. Are you saying that you have
already installed 6.5 and fully updated it to 6.8?
> Please does anyone have any ideas how to solve this baffling
> time-consuming problem ?
> Is is a UEFI (motherboard Asrock 970A-G/3.1) configuration matter or
> potentially the absence of a suitable USB3 driver for Centos ?
You're probably not going to like my suggestion. Try CentOS 7.2 on this
board and see what it finds.
There comes a time in every EL release cycle where new hardware is no
longer well-supported. CentOS 5 is way past that, and CentOS 6, while
not as far past it is still too old to install on some of the newest
hardware. Even CentOS 7 has issues with some of the newest hardware.
You have the double-whammy of UEFI and a newer chipset. While CentOS
6.8 can handily support USB3 on some hardware (been there, done that
myself, with CentOS 6.5 if I recall on a Dell Latitude D830 with an
ExpressCard XHCI (USB3) controller that worked great).
You can of course try the ELrepo kernel-lt or kernel-ml packages, which
provide the LongTerm or MainLine kernels packaged for CentOS.