I've googled for this, but everything I find tends to talk about cluster
and doesn't give an example close enough that I can figure this out. I
have read the Red Hat Cluster Suite Configuring and Managing a Cluster
<http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/csgfs/browse/rh-cs-en/> links from
http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/csgfs/. (I think these are mirred on
centos.org, but I read them off of redhat's site)
Basically I currently have two servers. The file server is a dell power
edge 2850 with an attached power vault. The power vault's file systems
are all gfs. I would like to export these to a second server via gnbd.
I realize I *could* use nfs, which we do use elsewhere, but I was
interested in figuring out gnbd.
On the file server if I run gnbd_export -d /dev/vg_home/lv_home -e home
Then on the other server modprobe gnbd and then run gnbd_import -i
fileserver the devices get created can be mounted etc (well I might need
to modprobe gfs before mounting)
Anyways, what's the "correct" way of having this happen on boot?
been reading the cluster docs, but I haven't found something that makes
it click for me.
Hooking up the poweredge to the powervault won't work, because
eventually we're getting a third server, going to put the power vault
into cluster mode and directly connect it to the powervault (thus the
decision to use gfs initially, instead of just a "normal" file system
and exporting via nfs).
Any help would greatly be appreciated, especially helpful links.