Brian T. Brunner
2005-Nov-08 14:03 UTC
[CentOS] Reducing the deleterious effects ofego related issues on the list
Bryan... NOBODY CARES how many times Chris is wrong. NOBODY CARES what you prove on this point. Whether Chris is right, wrong or stoopid is NOT proper fodder for this (CENTOS) list. Chris being wrong is *strictly* a "Bryan Fixation". Part of YOU growing up is YOU realizing that whether Chris is or is not wrong is UNIMPORTANT to ANYTHING that you or anybody important to you think is important. Challenge: don't respond, unless it's about CentOS or related stuff (like the Meridian War... neat info I hadn't seen before!) Brian Brunner brian.t.brunner at (610)796-5838>>> thebs413 at 11/08/05 08:58AM >>>I want to prove Chris wrong yet again. -- Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ******************************************************************* This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses. - Hubbell Incorporated
Peter Farrow
2005-Nov-08 14:23 UTC
[CentOS] Reducing the deleterious effects ofego related issues on the list
Can we close this one now....while we are all still talking, Otherwise take it out on line on one of my Centos based UT2004 servers, you can then go deathmatch and "virtually" blast the crap out of each other.... Its a good to talk, but sometimes only a rocket propelled grenade can truly make your point understood..... :-) Brian T. Brunner wrote:>Bryan... NOBODY CARES how many times Chris is wrong. >NOBODY CARES what you prove on this point. >Whether Chris is right, wrong or stoopid is NOT proper fodder for this (CENTOS) list. > >Chris being wrong is *strictly* a "Bryan Fixation". > >Part of YOU growing up is YOU realizing that whether Chris is or is not >wrong is UNIMPORTANT to ANYTHING that you or anybody important >to you think is important. > >Challenge: don't respond, unless it's about CentOS or related stuff >(like the Meridian War... neat info I hadn't seen before!) > >Brian Brunner >brian.t.brunner at >(610)796-5838 > > > >>>>thebs413 at 11/08/05 08:58AM >>> >>>> >>>> >I want to prove Chris wrong yet again. > > >
Apparently Analagous Threads
- Reducing the deleterious effects ofego related issueson the list
- Reducing the deleterious effects ofego related issues onthe list
- Reducing the deleterious effects of ego related issues onthe list: growing up individually.
- Reducing the deleterious effects of ego relatedissues on the list: growing up individua
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