Just updated the subject page http://wiki.centos.org/FAQ/General/RebuildReleaseProcess based on Karanbir's comment on centos-devel: http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2010-May/005545.html Is there better material available to replace the erroneous content, or should the page be removed? Phil
Hi, On 05/21/2010 03:41 PM, Phil Schaffner wrote:> Just updated the subject page > > http://wiki.centos.org/FAQ/General/RebuildReleaseProcess >There is nothing wrong with the process mentioned on that page - its just not the one being used in CentOS anymore. So adapting the title and the headings on that page should be a good start. Specially important is that the overall gist of what is going on is correct ~ rebuilding packages, compare to upstream and push it out. - KB