Hello everybody, i have a problem with asterisk 1.8 and Call Hold My problem is that Asterisk don't send re-invite when i pick up the call from hold. I already insert canreinvite=no in all my sip channels, set dtmfmode=info in sip.conf and my Dial() command don't insert option like t, T", "h", "H", "w", "W" or "L" (with multiple arguments). I already follow this discussion : http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+cmd+Dial I run debug with asterisk, and i see that the re-invite are made by asterisk, but in the TO fields is present the local ip address and not the next hop ip. This is the log : http://pastebin.com/ARUC0j4t The asterisk IP : The next hop IP : Is it a bug? i'm already search on google, but i dont find anything. Let me know, if you need more information. Thanks for all Best Regards Marco