Hello everyone, I haven't said much here about the project for awhile now but I think this is worth a mention. After about 18 months of development, version 2.0 of the software is available! - http://www.askozia.com/news/2010/5/4/new-release-200.html For those unfamiliar with the project, we're working on creating an Open Source firmware for embedded appliances which makes it possible for "normal" people to setup an Asterisk system. The whole thing is configured via a WebGUI and uses common terminology instead of technical jargon. It weighs in at about 15MB including multilingual gui and audio prompts. Currently x86, Blackfin and PowerPC platforms are supported. Thanks to everyone who has used and tested the software in the move from 1.0 to 2.0! I'm looking forward to even more feedback and impressions about the usability. Of course, none of this would be possible without the Asterisk core software. A huge thanks to all of the community and Digium devs for the magic that is Asterisk. Many people have helped directly with the troubleshooting and debugging involved in running Asterisk on assorted embedded cpu architectures. Regards, -Michael