Hello, I am replacing an exisiting call center with a new asterisk based solution. This will initially consist of to phone servers. The first being the main PBX, and the second being a predictive dialer. The dialer will have sip extensions for all the agents, while the main pbx will hand pretty much everything else. The two boxes will be right next two each other, and are currently connected via an IAX2 trunk. All manually made phone calls work with no problem. There is an issue however with the dialer software (vicidial) using an IAX trunk. It is a little finicky sometimes leaves iax in a state where it cannot resolve it's channel name and drops the call. I haven't spent any time really troubleshooting this yet, but apparently it does work after poking at the settings for a while. Before I bother troubleshooting IAX, I figured I would ask some of the more knowledgeable folks here about what is the best way to connect the two servers. My options as far as I know are: 1. Play with IAX2 until it works. 2. Create SIP trunks instead. 3. TDMoE and treat it as zap. (I should mention that only the main pbx has digium hardware. The dialer uses ztdummy). This connection between the two servers will need to support a minimum of 35 concurrent calls, to eventually 200 concurrent calls. At that point of course I'll probably be looking at biocluster or other redundant setups. I am currently leaning towards TDMoE. If I'm figuring this correctly a gigabit crossover connection would give me the equivalent of 500 E1 circuits? I wouldn't push it that far, but what would be a reasonable amount to push on it. Any thoughts? -dc