I am trying to solve the fax problem by installing an E1 channelbank (Megaplex MP-104) It's a box that has 8 x FXS ports and a single E1 port. The plan was to use one of my 4 E1 ports to connect to the Telstra onramp and one to the MP104. I have since discovered however that the MP104 only supports CAS signalling and I am having trouble getting asterisk to work in this mode. Currently we have Onramp (Australian PRI) ---- port 1 of T410P --- asterisk --- port 2 or T410P --- MP104 In zaptel.conf I have span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 bchan=1-15,17-31 dchan=16 span=2,0,0,cas,hdb3 cas=32-46:1101 cas=48-62:1101 And this seems to not complain. Some examples ive found on the net have a dchan=47 but I then get a HDLC error from ztcfg In zapata.conf I have group 0 (its working so I won't list it here) And for group 1 group=1 context=from-group1 pridialplan=local signalling=em_e1 overlapdial=yes callerid=asreceived ;channel => 32-39 cas:32-46, 48-62 When I have the channel options in there, it fails to load chan_zap.so with an error. The signalling I would have assumed should be pri_net as I want to supply clock etc but on trying it, the outcome is the same. Either way, I cannot get the MP104 to connect. I CAN however get it to stop reporting errors on its console but I cann't seem to address it from asterisk. When I dial(zap/32/1234) it just goes out g0 and not over the channel ive requested. If anyone has done anything similar, I would really appreciate sample configs or pointing in the right direction. Thanks. -- Kevin Withnall http://kevin.withnall.com/ ILB Computing http://www.ilb.com.au PH: 02 4227 0001 Mobile: 0412 453 846 FAX: 02 4227 0081 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail