I'm having difficulty with an Asterisk system. The external party has
very good call quality, but the internal party hears clipping and drop outs.
The WAN comes in from the Cisco IAD and into a LAN switch (DLink
DGS-1005D w/ 802.1p) where the two public IPs are switched to different
devices. One device is a FireBox device controlling a separate LAN with
VPNs. The other device is eth0 on the Asterisk system.
On the Asterisk eth1 is a 3Com 2226 LAN switch which connects Polycom
IP501 phones. There are no PCs on this voice LAN. All ports on all LAN
switches indicate full duplex. The quality problem doesn't appear to be
volume related (a single call still has problems).
The Polycom IP501s use SIP to the PBX, and the PBX uses SIP to the provider.
The normal WWV time signal consists of a constant tone that is
interrupted every second by a click. On the Polycom, each click can be
heard, the tone starts, but the tone is clipped and there is silence
until the next click.
I've verified that QoS is enabled in the IAD.
I would appreciate your thoughts.
Michael Welter
Telecom Matters Corp.
Denver, Colorado US