Noah Silverman wrote:
> Dean,
> I appreciate the suggestion. Is it really necessary.
> I've got slackware already installed on the box. (I consider myself a
> bit of a Linux guru.), all the drivers, and Asterisk. Everything
> seems to work fine, EXCEPT getting it to talk to the extension.
> wouldn't it be easier/faster to just adjust a few settings than to
> re-initialize my entire box.
Dean pointed me towards Asterisk@Home too and I too was skeptical at
first. I have to say, even though
- I'm still having my Asterisk "issues" (i.e. not everything is
for me)
- and I'm a bit of a Linux guru
- and I had asterisk working with some primitive extensions on my own,
pretty much exactly where you are just a smidge further...
I would recommend using Asterisk@Home. What Dean told me (and I tend to
believe him) is that having a box that multi-tasks (i.e. run asterisk
and also does some other linux server tasks) is a very bad idea as you
will have problems. So, if you go with the premise that your box will
an asterisk box and thats it, then using Asterisk@Home is not an issue
as far as stomping over whatever other Linux setup you have.
I would recommend you give it a try if you can afford to have your
current system wiped, just to see what it is like. It certainly takes a
lot of the "programming your dialplan" issues away - although there
still plenty of configs to tweak I'm finding.
Next, about your Polycom 500. I've got a couple of those that were
working (although I appear to have busted my setup just recently). What
I found is that you should tell your phone to not register and then it
worked for me.
Do you have your ftp-server set-up and are you using the latest firmware
and sip versions?