Make sure that outgoing calls have different pattern of taking
channels then incoming calls.
If your carrier uses channels in order 1,2,3,4 use outgoing calls like 30,29,28
look at G,g switches for dial application.
This error may be caused by the fact that your telco's swich thinks that
channel is free and asterisk didnt free the channel yet too.
Make sure you have correct signalling. And check if you hangup
after calls using Hangup() app.
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 09:54:35 -0600, Matthew Boehm <>
wrote:> I just started getting this error today (I've gotten this error befor)
> and its preventing me from having any incoming calls:
> chan_zap.c:7542 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on channel 0/2 already in use
> on span 1. Hanging up owner.
> PRI has been working fine. I didn't know anything was wrong until
> came and said their DID wasn't working.
> You call their DID, asterisk shows the message above and you get fast busy.
> But I can make outgoing calls no prob. I'm running the latest stable
> versions of libpri and zaptel and asterisk.
> any ideas?
> Matthew
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