Hello list, I promised to let you know whent XC-AST, the Asterisk queue_log analyzer I'm writing, would be available as a public beta version. Well, here it is! You can download the tarball from http://demo.xcept.it/xc-ast I *strongly* recommend to subscribe to a mailing list I'm running to get help and comment on the installation and use. It is not yet so well polished so I expect people to need some help in setting up a running system. Don't worry anyway, it's not that complex.... The mailing list is located at http://www.smartgroups.it/mailman/listinfo/xcast-info If you decide to try it, I would love to know your existing Java container setup and under which OS you're running XC-AST. Any comment is greatly appreciated! l. -- Creato con M2, il rivoluzionario client e-mail di Opera: http://www.opera.com/m2/