Where are you buying these from ?, Can they actually set the phones up??
Is the supplier claiming to set any of the following
1) FDN number
2) FDN Security Code
3) Suspend Lock Flag
4) Delete lock
bcus in my experience only the mfg aastra can do this
>digium support answered, for anyone's future reference, they should be
unlocked (aka set to all zero's).>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joe Antkowiak <joe@jsci.net>
>To: asterisk-dev@lists.digium.com <asterisk-dev@lists.digium.com>;
<asterisk-users@lists.digium.com>>Subject: [Asterisk-Dev] adsi phone codes?
>Does anyone know off hand what codes should be used with the adsi phones in
order to work with digium hardware and asterisk? The phones are the aastra
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