bernardo lagos alvarez wrote:> Hello expeRts,
> I need generate symbolize the autocovariances matrix of a Gaussian
> ARMA(1,1), for derivate it and evaluate.
> I try this codes, but whitout sucess
> vacv<-NULL
> vacv[1]<-expression(1-2*phi*theta-theta^2)
> vacv[2]<-(1-phi*theta)*(phi-theta)
> vacv[3:n]<-acv[2]*(phi^(1:(n-2)))
> facv<-list()
> for(i in 1:2)
> Erro en deriv.formula(y ~ vacv[i], c("phi", "theta"),
function(phi, theta) { :
> Funci?n '`[`' no est? en la tabla de derivadas
1. Please try to provide English error messages.
2. If you want deriv to work on the expressions for vacv[], then please
do it rather than ttrying to work on already evaluated expressions as
you do.
One exmaple that works would be to say:
vacv <- NULL
vacv[1] <- expression(1-2*phi*theta-theta^2)
and later on:
deriv(vacv[i], c("phi", "theta"), function(phi,theta){})
of yourse, you need to evaluate vacv later on if you really want to
calculate the values....
Uwe Ligges
> dfg<-for(n in 1:2) as.formula(sprintf("y~(1 - phi * theta) * (phi -
> theta)*phi^ %d",n))
> dfg
> y ~ (1 - phi * theta) * (phi - theta) * phi^2
> deriv(dfg[[1]],phi)
> Erro en deriv.default(expr, namevec, function.arg, tag, hessian) :
> nombres de variable inv?lidos
> Give me a help, please.
> Bernardo.
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