Seeliger.Curt at
2008-Dec-23 17:10 UTC
[R] source() argument specification in packages
Folks, I am creating a small package which builds just fine but fails the check during the installation phase, as it can not find the files I am source()ing: cannot open file 'c:\PROGRA~1\R\R-28~1.0\library\nla\nlamets.r': No such file or directory The path to the files are predicated on the package being already installed, for example: if(!(exists('codeLocation'))) { codeLocation <- paste(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "\\library\\nla\\", sep="") } source(paste(codeLocation,'nlamets.r',sep='')) So it can't install the package because the package isn't installed yet. At this point, specifying a file path for a package looks like a chicken/egg problem. Is there a more appropriate means for specifying file paths in source(), or am I overlooking something even simpler? Thank you for your help, cur -- Curt Seeliger, Data Ranger Raytheon Information Services - Contractor to ORD 541/754-4638 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]