Its not clear what the setup is but in the zoo package:
- zoo and zooreg can create time series
- merge.zoo and cbind.zoo can merge time series
- as.ts.zoo can convert a series to ts filling in missing times
- as.zoo.ts can convert a ts series back to zoo
- coredata and time can pick out the data and time components
of a zoo series
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 3:11 PM, <rkevinburton at>
wrote:> I have a bunch of lists that are essentially time-series with the unit of
time being 'day'. So I naturally want to generate a time-series from
1:365. I was wondering if there is a nifty 'R' trick to turn a list with
missing data (the list may contain values at 100, 230, and 360) into a time
series with the missing data filled in (with zeros).
> Thank you.
> Kevin
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