On 7/21/08, John Smith <zmring at gmail.com>
wrote:> Dear R Users:
> I have a list function as:
> Flat: y = 0
> Linear: y = -(1.65/8)d
> Logistic: y = 0.015 - 1.73/{1+exp[1.2(4-d)]}
> Umbrella: y= -(1.65/3)d + (1.65/36)d^2
> Emax: y = -1.81d/(0.79+d)
> Sigmoid Emax: y = -1.70d^5/(4^5+d^5)
> And want draw the figure as attached (those material are extracted from a
> paper). Could anyone give me a sample code to do this?
The attachment didn't come through, but here's one approach (with
three of your functions):
linear <- function(d) -(1.65/8) * d
logistic <- function(d) 0.015 - 1.73 / (1 + exp(1.2 * (4-d)))
umbrella <- function(d) -(1.65/3) * d + (1.65 / 36) * d^2
xyplot(linear(d) + logistic(d) + umbrella(d) ~ d,
data = list(d = seq(-5, 5, length = 101)),
type = "l",
auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE))