I'm stumbling my way through manipulating data in multiply imputed datasets, and have run into a problem translating code I used to run on my pre-imputed dataset to multiple datasets. The imputation runs just fine, as does the reading of the mi data sets into an imputationList. I run into trouble, though, when I try to construct a scale across all the data sets. Is there a simple way to do this? (here's what I've been trying) vars_to_impute = c("var1", ... "var50") imputed <- amelia(data=vars_to_impute, m=5, outname="miset") files.allmisets <- list.files(getwd(),pattern="miset*",full=TRUE) allmis <- imputationList(lapply(files.allmisets, read.csv)) scale1_vars <- c("var1", "var2", "var3", ... "var20") scale2_vars <- c("var21", "var22", "var23", ... "var34") allmis <- update(allmis, myscale1 = rowMeans(allmis[scale1_vars], na.rm=TRUE)) allmis <- update(allmis, myscale2 = rowMeans(allmis[scale2_vars], na.rm=TRUE)) Any help with this or general pointers about how to manage scale construction across multiple data sets much appreciated. Don [[alternative HTML version deleted]]