Hi Mark,
As I said in earlier emails, you do NOT need to explicitly code the
likelihood function for gamma distn. I just code you example as below:
vsamples<- c(14.7, 18.8, 14, 15.9, 9.7, 12.8)
gamma.nll <- function(par,data)
[1] 24.9327797 0.5743043
[1] 14.72309
The mle is pretty robust to the starting values: if you change the
initialization to c(10,10), the results would be
[1] 25.0285880 0.5721142
[1] 14.72299
Anyway, for the standard distns, which R has implementation, you
definitely don't have to do everything from scratch.
markleeds at verizon.net ??:> for learning purposes and also to help someone, i used roger peng's
> document to get the mle's of the gamma where the gamma is defined as
> f(y_i) = (1/gammafunction(shape)) * (scale^shape) * (y_i^(shape-1)) *
> exp(-scale*y_i)
> ( i'm defining the scale as lambda rather than 1/lambda. various books
> define it differently ).
> i found the likelihood to be n*shape*log(scale) +
> (shape-1)*sum(log(y_i) - scale*sum(y_i)
> then i wrote below which is just roger peng's likelihood example but
> using the gamma instead of the normal.
> I get estimates back but i separately found that the analytical mle of
> the scale is equal to 1/ analytical mle(shape).
> and my estimates aren't consistent with that fact ? this leads me to
> assume that my estimates are not correct.
> can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong. maybe my starting values are
> too far off ? thanks.
> make.negloglik <- function(data, fixed=c(FALSE,FALSE)) {
> op <- fixed
> function(p) {
> op[!fixed] <- p
> shape <- exp(op[1])
> scale <- exp(op[2])
> a <- length(data)*shape*log(scale)
> b <- (shape-1)*sum(log(data))
> c <- -1.0*scale*sum(data)
> -(a + b + c)
> }
> }
> vsamples<- c(14.7, 18.8, 14, 15.9, 9.7, 12.8)
> nLL <- make.negloglik(vsamples)
> temp <- optim(c(scale=1,shape=1), nLL,
> estimates <- log(temp)
> print(estimates)
> check <- estimates[1]/mean(vsamples)
> print(check)
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