I am working on a weekly analysis and would like to look into the effects of a holiday. As I only get weekly data how can I populate, automagically, a series of dummy variables that are aligned with my data. ---- Snip ----- channel1 <- odbcConnectExcel("D:/RSTATS/metrics.xls") sqlTables(channel1) sh1 <- sqlFetch(channel1, "Actuals$") channel2 <- odbcConnectExcel("D:/RSTATS/events.xls") sqlTables(channel2) sh2 <- sqlFetch(channel2, "data$") tsU000=ts(sh1$U000,start=c(2004,1),freq=52) summary(tsU000) #Variable forecastDistance <- 52 #Grab Existing Regressors cReg <- sh2[1:length(tsU000),-1] #Grab X Future Regressors equal to the forecastDistance fReg <- sh2[length(tsU000):(length(tsU000)+forecastDistance),-1] ---snip---- Somewhere in there I need to append to cReg a series of holiday dummy variables but here is the catch, it's weekly data. First How can I get an array of holidays in the first place aligned on weeks? e.g. week,xmas,newyears,holloween,cinco,...,qwanza, 1,0,0,0,0,0,...,0 2,0,0,0,0,0,...,0 3,0,0,0,0,0,...,0 4,0,0,0,0,0,...,0 5,0,0,0,0,0,...,0 .. 52,1,0,0,0,0,...,0 then how do I append the holiday array to the cReg array? Help I am confused and bewildered