Hi R-users,
I'm fitting gamma parameters (shape and rate ) by two methods (by direct
and and fitdistr of MASS library). I have realized the following code
which gives me two results. However, I find that those two outcomes are
significantly different. Is there any explanation to this case? Many
thanks in advance for your help
> param <- function(y)
+ {
+ library(MASS)
+ b <- subset(tab[!is.na(tab$DVTDR) & (tab$DVTDR > 0),], IDAV<= y )
+ z <- b$DVTDR
+ m <- mean(z)
+ v <- var(z)
+ para1 <- list(shape = m^2/v, rate = m/v)
+ para2 <- fitdistr(z, "gamma")
+ return(list(para1,para2))
+ }>
> param("321")
[1] 1.603642
[1] 1.286430
shape rate
1.81991260 1.45992004
(0.02503046) (0.02309113)
Lassana KOITA
E-mail: Lassana.Koita@aviation-civile.gouv.fr
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