Hi Birgit,
I'm not sure that I understand your question. I'll try to answer
anyways. Regression trees and therefore also RandomForests are invariant
to monotonic transformations in the independent variables. There are no
distributional assumptions for the independent variables. The dependent
variable, however, is used to calculate the variances within the two
groups of cases that result from a split. Therefore, it would make sense
to have the dependent variable follow the typical distributional
requirements of least-squares driven models such as homoscedasity,
symmetrical distribution etc. For count data a square root
transformation is often appropriate.
Birgit Lemcke wrote:> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family:
> R-user!
> I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and
> statistics beginner)
> I try to find the most important variables to divide my dataset as
> given in a categorical variable using randomForest.
> Is randomForest() able to deal with count data?
> Or is there no difference because only the ranks are used in the trees?
> Thanks in advance
> Birgit
> Birgit Lemcke
> Institut f?r Systematische Botanik
> Zollikerstrasse 107
> CH-8008 Z?rich
> Switzerland
> Ph: +41 (0)44 634 8351
> birgit.lemcke at systbot.uzh.ch
> 175 Jahre UZH
> ?staunen.erleben.begreifen. Naturwissenschaft zum Anfassen.?
> MNF-Jubil?umsevent f?r gross und klein.
> 19. April 2008, 10.00 Uhr bis 02.00 Uhr
> Campus Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Z?rich
> Weitere Informationen http://www.175jahre.uzh.ch/naturwissenschaft
> </div>