Deli Wang
2007-Jun-19 18:36 UTC
[R] how to create .rda data file and load it for contributed package
Hi All, I am trying to build an R package. My code and help files work through smoothly when I run Rcmd check. However, examples couldn't pass the check. The reason maybe that the data files I wanted to use were not created and loaded. What I have done is the following: 1. use "save" command to save two data lists as .rda files; 2. put .rda files in the data folder of the package; 3. load data in the example using "data" command; 4. run my R code for the example. I have difficulties to pass Rcmd check before building the package. My example codes can run through in R console without any problems. I don't know how to solve this problem. Can some experts in the package building help me? Thank you very much in advance. Deli [[alternative HTML version deleted]]