Hi everyone, I use the MNP package to fit my data. I can interpret the coefficients and covariance. I cannot put them into the original model which is Wi=Sum(bXij) over j, Yi(Wi)=0 if max(Wi)<0, j if max(Wi)=Wij>0 j=3 here, 3 choice alternatives, Clio, Punto, Polo I don't know how to put the coefficients and covariances into W, to construct W for each j. The coefficients and covariances are below. I f anyone help me on this, I would appreciate. ozlem. Call: mnp(formula = choice ~ 1, data = rowdata3, choiceX = list(Punto PricePunto, Clio = PriceClio, Polo = PricePolo), cXnames = "price", base = "Polo", n.draws = 100, verbose = TRUE) Coefficients: mean std.dev. 2.5% 97.5% (Intercept):Clio -1.4559 0.6889 -2.7017 -0.387 (Intercept):Punto -0.1989 0.7180 -2.2192 0.893 price 10.0865 5.1486 0.8549 23.030 Covariances: mean std.dev. 2.5% 97.5% Clio:Clio 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.000 Clio:Punto -0.9458 0.7644 -2.1816 0.449 Punto:Punto 2.5980 2.5312 0.4339 9.281 Base category: Polo Number of alternatives: 3 Number of observations: 12 Number of estimated parameters: 5 Number of stored MCMC draws: 100 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]