On 6/13/07, Alan S Barnett <asb at mail.nih.gov>
wrote:> I'm using xyplot to generate a trellis plot with each panel containing
> scatterplot and a best fit line. Is it possible to write the slope of
> the best fit line in each panel?
Sure. The only question is, where (inside the panel) do you want it written?
Here are a couple of possibilities:
## writes the slope at a location that happens to be empty in both
## panels in this example
xyplot(len ~ dose | supp, ToothGrowth,
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
fm <- lm(y ~ x)
panel.abline(reg = fm)
slope <- round(coef(fm)[2], 3)
panel.text(1.5, 5, lab = slope)
## needs the user to click on a suitable position for each panel
xyplot(len ~ dose | supp, ToothGrowth,
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
fm <- lm(y ~ x)
panel.abline(reg = fm)
slope <- round(coef(fm)[2], 3)
message("Click on desired location")
panel.text(grid.locator("native"), lab = slope)