* Kevin McConnell (kevin.mcconnell-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org)
[050228 11:54]:> I''m don''t seem to be able to install Rails on either of 2
> machines that I just tried (one Sarge, one Sid). It always fails like
> Attempting remote installation of ''rails''
> Install required dependency rake? [Yn]
> Install required dependency activesupport? [Yn]
> Install required dependency activerecord? [Yn]
> Install required dependency actionpack? [Yn]
> Install required dependency actionmailer? [Yn]
> ERROR: While executing gem ... (NameError)
> uninitialized constant ActionView::Base
> Any thoughts? Ruby & gems are both up to date with the latest
> and other gems seem to install fine. I have no clue where to look for
> the problem :(
I''m running on unstable and have no problem. I also have the following
Ruby-related packages installed (forgive the length and any line-wrap):
freeride 0.6.0-1 an IDE for the Ruby
programming language
irb 1.8.1-8 Interactive Ruby (irb)
irb1.8 1.8.2-2 Interactive Ruby (for Ruby
libalgorithm-diff-ruby1.8 0.4-3 Ruby conversion of the
Perl''s Algorithm::Diff (Ruby 1.8)
libamrita-ruby1.8 1.0.2-3 HTML/XML template library for
Ruby 1.8
libamstd-ruby1.8 2.0.0-2 AMbitious STanDard library for
Ruby 1.8
libapache-ruby1.8 1.2.4-1 Ruby libraries for mod_ruby
libbigdecimal-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Variable precision floating
library for Ruby 1.8
libbsearch-ruby 1.5-5 a binary search library for
libbsearch-ruby1.8 1.5-5 a binary search library for
libbz2-ruby1.8 0.2.2-1 libbz2 bindings for Ruby 1.8
libcurses-ruby 1.8.1-8 Curses interface for Ruby
libcurses-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Curses interface for Ruby 1.8
libdb-ruby 0.3.0-1 An interface to Berkeley DB
for Ruby
libdb2-ruby1.8 0.5.3-1 Interface to Berkeley DB for
Ruby 1.8
libdb3-ruby1.8 0.5.3-1 Interface to Berkeley DB for
Ruby 1.8
libdb4.1-ruby1.8 0.5.3-1 Interface to Berkeley DB for
Ruby 1.8
libdb4.2-ruby1.8 0.5.3-1 Interface to Berkeley DB for
Ruby 1.8
libdbd-mysql-ruby1.8 0.0.23-2 Ruby/DBI MySQL driver for Ruby
libdbd-pg-ruby1.8 0.0.23-2 Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver for
Ruby 1.8
libdbd-sqlite-ruby1.8 0.0.23-2 Ruby/DBI SQLite driver for
Ruby 1.8
libdbi-ruby1.8 0.0.23-2 Database Independent Interface
for Ruby 1.8
libdbm-ruby 1.8.1-8 DBM interface for Ruby
libdbm-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 DBM interface for Ruby 1.8
libdevel-logger-ruby1.8 1.0.2-2 log dumping utility for ruby
libdl-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Extension library to use
dynamic linker from Ruby 1.8
libdpkg-ruby1.8 0.3.1 modules/classes for dpkg on
ruby 1.8
libdrb-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Distributed Ruby (for Ruby
libeb-ruby1.8 2.3-1 EB library interface for the
Ruby 1.8
liberb-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Tiny eRuby (for Ruby 1.8)
libexif-ruby1.8 0.1.2-6 EXIF tag parsing Library for
libfcgi-ruby1.8 0.8.5-2 FastCGI library for Ruby
libfilesystem-ruby1.8 0.5-2 Ruby1.8 extension for
file-system information
libfox-ruby 1.0.28-1 FOX GUI library bindings for
libgd-ruby1.8 Extension library to use GD
graphics library from Ruby 1.8
libgdbm-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 GDBM interface for Ruby 1.8
libgettext-ruby1.8 0.8.0-1 Gettext for ruby1.8
libhtml-parser-ruby1.8 0.19990912.p2-4 HTML parser library for Ruby
libhtree-ruby1.8 0.0.20040714-1 HTML/XML tree library for Ruby
libhttp-access2-ruby1.8 2.0.4-1 HTTP accessing library for
libiconv-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 A Wrapper class of iconv for
the Ruby 1.8
libimage-size-ruby1.8 20040618-1 ruby extension to measure
image (GIF, PNG, JPEG , etc) size
libintl-gettext-ruby1.8 0.11-5 Gettext wrapper for Ruby 1.8
libkakasi-ruby1.8 2002.09.28-2 KAKASI interface for Ruby 1.8
libkorundum0-ruby1.8 3.3.2-1 KDE bindings for Ruby
libldap-ruby1.8 0.8.2-2 OpenLDAP library binding for
Ruby 1.8
liblog4r-ruby1.8 1.0.5-3 A logging library for Ruby
libmp3tag-ruby1.6 1.0-1 Reading and writing ID3V1.1
tags in MP3 for ruby1.6
libmp3tag-ruby1.8 1.0-1 Reading and writing ID3V1.1
tags in MP3 for ruby1.8
libmysql-ruby1.8 2.4.5-6 MySQL module for Ruby 1.8
libncurses-ruby1.8 0.9.1-2 ruby Extension for the ncurses
C library
libnora-ruby1.8 0.0.20041021-1 Web Application Library for
libopenssl-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 OpenSSL interface for Ruby 1.8
liboptparse-ruby 0.8.4-1 A command line option parser
class for Ruby.
libpcap-ruby1.8 0.6-5 libpcap interface for
scripting language Ruby 1.8
libpgsql-ruby1.8 0.7.1-3 PostgreSQL extension library
for ruby1.8
libprogressbar-ruby1.8 0.8-1 A Text Progress Bar Library
for Ruby 1.8
libpty-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 pseudo tty interface for Ruby
libqt0-ruby1.8 3.3.2-1 Qt bindings for Ruby
libracc-runtime-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Runtime library for parser
which is generated by Racc (Ruby 1.8)
librd-html-ext-ruby1.8 0.1.4-1 Extended RD2HTML format
librd-ruby1.8 0.6.14-7 RDTool library for Ruby 1.8
librdf-ruby Ruby 1.8 language bindings for
the Redland RDF library
libreadline-ruby 1.8.1-8 Readline interface for Ruby
libreadline-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Readline interface for Ruby
libredcloth-ruby1.8 3.0.3-1 Textile module for Ruby 1.8
librexml-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 pure Ruby non-validating XML
parser supporting Namespaces, XPath
librfilter-ruby1.8 0.12-1 A mail filtering library for
Ruby 1.8
libripper-ruby 0.0.5-3 Event-driven parsing of Ruby
source code
librmagick-ruby1.8 1.6.0-1 ImageMagick API for Ruby
librmail-ruby1.8 0.15-1 lightweight mail library for
Ruby 1.8
libromkan-ruby1.8 0.4-5 a Romaji <-> Kana
conversion library for Ruby
libruby 1.8.1-8 Libraries necessary to run
Ruby 1.8.x
libruby1.6 1.6.8-8 Libraries necessary to run
Ruby 1.6.x
libruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Libraries necessary to run the
Ruby 1.8
libruby1.8-dbg 1.8.2-2 Debugging libraries for Ruby
libsary-ruby1.8 A ruby binding of sary
libsdbm-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 SDBM interface for Ruby 1.8
libsdl-ruby1.8 0.9.3-1 Ruby/SDL interface for Ruby
libshadow-ruby1.8 1.4.1-6 Interface of shadow password
for Ruby 1.8
libsoap-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Ruby''s SOAP
implementation for Ruby 1.8
libstrscan-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Fast string scanning library
for Ruby 1.8
libsufary-ruby1.8 7 SUFARY module for Ruby 1.8
libsuikyo-ruby1.8 Romaji Hiragana conversion
library (ruby-binding)
libsyslog-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 UNIX syslog(3) interface for
Ruby 1.8
libtempura-ruby1.8 0.1.2r3-2 TEMPlate Utility for Ruby
libtermios-ruby1.8 0.9.4-4 termios simple wrapper for
ruby 1.8
libtest-unit-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 unit-testing framework for
Ruby 1.8
libtmail-ruby1.8 0.10.8-1 Mail class library for Ruby
libuconv-ruby 0.4.9-1 Encoding translation module
for Ruby supported Unicode and EUC-JP
libuconv-ruby1.8 0.4.12-1 Unicode/EUC-JP translation
module for Ruby 1.8
libvorbisfile-ruby1.8 0.2-8 Ogg Vorbis support library for
libwebrick-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Simple HTTP Server Toolkit for
Ruby 1.8
libwrap-ruby1.8 0.6-3 TCP wrappers library for Ruby
libxml-parser-ruby 0.6.1-3 The interface of expat for the
scripting language Ruby.
libxml-parser-ruby1.8 0.6.8-1 Interface of expat for the
scripting language Ruby 1.8
libxml-ruby1.8 0.3.4-2 Ruby interface to libxml
libxmlrpc-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 XML-RPC support for Ruby 1.8
libxslt-ruby1.8 0.3.4-2 Ruby interface to libxslt
libxtemplate-ruby1.8 0.7.0-1 Lightweight XML templating
engine like Amrita and XSLT
libyaml-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 YAML for Ruby 1.8
libzip-ruby1.8 0.5.6-1 a ruby module for reading and
writing zip files
libzlib-ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Extension library to use zlib
from Ruby 1.8
rdoc 1.8.2-1 Generate documentation from
ruby source files
rdoc1.8 1.8.2-2 Generate documentation from
Ruby source files (for Ruby 1.8)
ri 1.8.2-1 Ruby Interactive reference
ri1.8 1.8.2-2 Ruby Interactive reference
(for Ruby 1.8)
ruby 1.8.1-8 An interpreter of
object-oriented scripting language Ruby
ruby-examples 1.6.8-5 Examples about Ruby
ruby-manual 1.4.6-2 Manual for the scripting
language Ruby.
ruby1.8 1.8.2-2 Interpreter of object-oriented
scripting language Ruby 1.8
ruby1.8-dev 1.8.2-2 Header files for compiling
extension modules for the Ruby 1.8
ruby1.8-elisp 1.8.2-2 ruby-mode for Emacsen
ruby1.8-examples 1.8.2-2 Examples for Ruby 1.8
rubybook 0.2-2 the "Programming
Ruby" book
soap4r 1.4.8-3 SOAP1.1 implementation in ruby
vim-ruby 6.3-061+1 Vi IMproved, with ruby
scripting support
http://www.rickbradley.com MUPRN: 906
| We should be glad the
random email haiku | linux collective will win
| in the end run. Sean....