Hello, I have some data generated by a simple mixture of Gaussians (more like K-means) and (as a test) am using dmnorm to calculate the probability of each data point coming from each Gaussian. However, I get only zero probabilities. This code works in low dimensions (tried 2 and 3 already). I have run into many implementations that do not work in high dimension, but I thought that I was safe with dmnorm because it has an option to compute the log of the probability. So, is dmnorm not intended to be used with data of such high dimensionality? Thank you, dan elliott
Adelchi Azzalini
2007-Apr-25 19:49 UTC
[R] Fwd: dmnorm not meant for 1024-dimensional data?
On Wed, Apr 25, 2007 at 01:25:09PM -0500, Daniel Elliott wrote:> Hello. Thank you for your mnormt package. Below is an email I sent to > R-help regarding the function dmnorm. > > Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. >Hello. You have not provided information on what specifically you have tried as for parameters and evaluation points, so I have chosen a particularly simple case, namely the 1024-dimensional density with independent standard marginals, using this code d<- 1024 x <- 1 const<- 0.5*log(2*pi) log.pdf <-0 for (i in 1:d) log.pdf <- log.pdf - x^2/2 -const # S <- diag(d) mu<- rep(0,d) X <- rep(x,d) log.pdf2 <- dmnorm(X,mu,S, log=TRUE) cat(log.pdf, log.pdf2, abs(log.pdf-log.pdf2),"\n") and the outcome was this one: -1453 -1453 2.137e-11 which seems quite decent to me. Obviously, you must not take exp() of this log-density, as otherwise a 0 is indeed produced, but the reason is not in the package, rather in the possibility of representing that number using standard floating-point numerical devices. best regards, Adelchi Azzalini> Thank you. > > - dan elliott > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Daniel Elliott <danelliottster at gmail.com> > Date: Apr 25, 2007 1:21 PM > Subject: dmnorm not meant for 1024-dimensional data? > To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch > > Hello, > > I have some data generated by a simple mixture of Gaussians (more like > K-means) and (as a test) am using dmnorm to calculate the probability > of each data point coming from each Gaussian. However, I get only > zero probabilities. > > This code works in low dimensions (tried 2 and 3 already). I have run > into many implementations that do not work in high dimension, but I > thought that I was safe with dmnorm because it has an option to > compute the log of the probability. > > So, is dmnorm not intended to be used with data of such high dimensionality? > > Thank you, > > dan elliott-- Adelchi Azzalini <azzalini at stat.unipd.it> Dipart.Scienze Statistiche, Universit? di Padova, Italia tel. +39 049 8274147, azzalini.stat.unipd.it