On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 02:08:09 -0500, Lon Baker
wrote:> Nevermind. A case of wee-hour-itis.
Heh, speaking of wee-hour-itis, I was having problems storing binary
data in my database and I wrote up this huge email detailing exactly
my setup and the enormous error message I was getting. The problem was
so bad that ruby was spiraling into some kind of infinite loop,
gobbling megs of memory along the way (I watched 360MBs of free RAM
turn into 0 in about 30 seconds). Just as I was about to hit "send", I
realized my problem was that I had the "unique" constraint on the
column of binary data -- postgresql was trying to index my arbitrarily
large binary file, and failing horribly since it exceeded it''s
internal limits. Removing the word "unique" from my "create
statement solved the problem entirely. Whee!
One Guy With A Camera