The ROracle package works very well reasonable easy R-code,
the documention for ROracle is very usefull.
Thank you for this contribution to R !
A tip for complex SQL:
I did however find difficulties to handle complex sql statements in an Oracle
(something with handling of spaces and line feeds)
This problem was solved by instead creating "views" in oracle to
do the complex sql and then only using simple SQL statement in R
e.g. "select * from viewname"
Window binary for ROracle 10 ?
Is there anyone who could help with a version of ROracle for windows
which is compatible with Oracle 10 or more general just uses the
The available (not officially released) version only supports Oracle 9
I work in a clinical microbiology laboratory.
We try to develop the Roracle functionality to retrieve current data
from the laboratory information system to generate
graphics for epidemiologic surveillance and controlcharts for ELISA robots.
Ram Dessau,
Naestved Denmark
Ram Dessau
Klinisk Mikrobiologisk afdeling
Storstr?mmens sygehus, N?stved
Ringstedgade 61
4700 N?stved
tel. 5572 9000 tone 4148 el. 4141
fax. 5572 6024
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