Dear R-help, I am sorry if this is more of a stats question than an R-question, but I have found it difficult to get a clear answer by other means. Q. Would it be "wrong" to specify a nested model and retain a common intercept, e.g. lm(NH4 ~ Site/TideCode + 1) I am aware (?) that my Site-coefficients are now calculated relative to my reference Site (treatment.contrasts), *but* that my TideCode levels now relate to their reference level within Site. Is that correct? Thank you in advance for help. Regards, Mark Difford. Mark Difford Ph.D. candidate, Botany Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, SA.
Hi All, I am struggling in a bivariate Weibull distribution although I searched R-Site-Help and found suggestion with Copula. Seems the maximum likelihood estimate is beyond what I can understand. My case is: given two known marginal distribution (both are Weibull), and the correlation between them. How can I get the bivariate distribution based on these two? I wish if there is anybody has the experience in bivariate distribution could give me the hints. Thanks! Jen. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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