Peter Eiger <Peter.Eiger <at>> writes:
> I've got a problem with RODBC and saving (sqlSave) of a dataframe in
> R 2.0.1 is running on windows XP.
> When executing the examples in R help for the "USArrests" data
set "sqlSAve"
works fine, but running> sqlSave() for a dataframe "Adat"
> > str(Adat)
> `data.frame': 1202 obs. of 18 variables:
> containing 18 columns and ca. 1200 rows fails.
> I get the following error message:
> > sqlSave(channel, Adat)
> Error in sqlSave(channel, Adat) : [RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect
> The data was fetched from the same Access database before and was not
manipulated before the attempt to save.
Try to set rownames = FALSE in sqlSave, it's TRUE by default which I believe
a bit unfortunate. And probably append=TRUE. It's also good to try with
fast=FALSE first.
When I get an error of that type, I first save to a non-existing table, and do a
compare of what comes out with the original table.