I don't understand your question. First, I'm not familiar with the
'wls' package; I found no such package by that name via
"www.r-project.org" -> CRAN -> (select a local mirror) ->
The 'qr' function in the 'quandreg' package looks
straightforward to
me. Have you worked through the examples in the 'qr' help page? The
look to me like they follow the standard syntax of 'lm'. If you
understand the 'lm' syntax, I encourage you to spend some quality time
with appropriate sections of Venables and Ripley (2003) Modern Applied
Statistics with S, 4th ed. (Springer).
If you'd like more help from this listserve, please submit another
question. However, please include a simple, self-contained example of
something you tried to help illustrate your question (as suggested in
the posting guide! "www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html").
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
ricardosilva at serasa.com.br wrote:> Hi,
> I load my data set and separate it as folowing:
> presu <- read.table("C:/_Ricardo/Paty/qtdata_f.txt",
header=TRUE, sep="\t",
> na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)
> dep<-presu[,3];
> exo<-presu[,4:92];
> Now, I want to use it using the wls and quantreg packages. How I change the
> data classes for mle and rq objects?
> Thanks a lot,
> ________________________________________
> Ricardo Gon?alves Silva, M. Sc.
> Apoio aos Processos de Modelagem Matem?tica
> Econometria & Inadimpl?ncia
> Serasa S.A.
> (11) - 6847-8889
> ricardosilva at serasa.com.br
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