John Logsdon <j.logsdon at> writes:
> I am trying to extract into a scalar the value of Phi from the printed
> output of gls or lme using corAR1 correlation. ie I want the estimate of
> the autocorrelation. I can't see how to do this and haven't seen
> anywhere in str(model.lme).
> I can get all the other information - fixed and random effects etc.
> Is there an obvious way so that I can save the brick wall some damage?
Just be soft in the head...
Seriously, I think the recipe is to drill down into model.lme until
you find the corAR1 class object, like this, I think.
x <- model.lme$modelStruct$corStruct
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard ?ster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at FAX: (+45) 35327907