Hello! I am writing you because I need to plot the confidence envelopes for functions Jest, Jcross, Jdot, Jmulti, and L, using the Spatstat package. I have already understood how to do that for Kest or Jest, that is: JEnv <- plot(envelope(PPPData, Jest)) Where PPPData is my ppp object. However, for Jcross I must specify the two marks I want to analyse. That is, usually I would get the Jcross doing: Jc <- Jcross(PPPData,"Aun","Qsu") For marks "Aun" and "Qsu". And for L function, I know I do: K <- Kest (PPPData, correction="isotropic") plot (K, r-sqrt(iso/pi)~r) But I could not understand how to put all that together, that is how should I write the envelope function: - to plot Jcross (where and how do I specify types/marks ??) - to plot L (where do I write that I do not want K, but r-sqrt(iso/pi)~r, instead??) - etc. for similar functions not so simple as Jest, Kest or Gest. Hope someone can please help me on this. I have already looked at the package's manual, but I could not find any example similar to what I am trying to do. Best Regards, Sara Mouro. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]