On Friday 22 April 2005 03:29, Sander Oom wrote:> Dear R users,
> If I manage to sort out this graph, it is certainly a candidate for the
> new R graph gallery
> (http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/displayGallery.php)!
> I created the following lattice graph:
> library(lattice)
> tmp <- expand.grid(geology =
> species >
> dist = seq(1,9,1) )
> tmp$height <- rnorm(216)
> sps <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
> sps$pch <- 1:6
> trellis.par.set("superpose.symbol", sps)
> xyplot( height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
> groups = species, type = "b", cex = 1.2,
> layout = c(2,2),
> lines = list(col="grey"),
> key = list(columns = 2, type = "b", cex = 1.2,
> text = list(paste(unique(tmp$species))),
> points = Rows(sps, 1:6)
> )
> )
I would do something like this instead:
lattice.options(default.theme = canonical.theme(color = FALSE))
tmp <-
expand.grid(geology =
species = c("ArisDiff", "BracSera",
"ElioMuti", "EragCurS",
dist = seq(1,9,1) )
tmp$height <- rnorm(216)
sp <- list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = 1:6, cex = 1.2),
superpose.line = list(col = "grey", lty = 1))
xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
groups = species,
type = "b",
layout = c(2,2),
par.settings = sp,
auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = TRUE))
> However, for once, the R defaults are not to my liking. I plot the graph
> to postscript and the result is less then optimal.
> I would like to plot the point symbols in black and white, both in the
> graphs and the key. I would like the lines to be a single style (grey or
> a light dash) and preferably the lines do not go through the symbols
> (like figure 4.11 in the MASS book).
type='b' is the right choice, and it works in standard graphics, but not
lattice (where it's same as type='o'). If you really want it, bug
Paul to add
support for it in grid.
To get the points and lines combined in the key, you could do
xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
groups = species,
type = "b",
layout = c(2,2),
par.settings = sp,
key list(columns = 2,
lines = list(col="grey", type = "b", cex = 1.2,
pch = 1:6),
text = list(levels(tmp$species))))
but evidently there's no way to separately control the color of the line and
the points on it.