On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 06:24:15PM -0800, Josh Knowles
wrote:> Does anyone have any experience with up your Rails app for easy
> deployment on a customers site? I''m getting ready to write some
> internal client/server tools and will need to deploy the server piece
> to multiple machines which do not have Ruby, Rails, Gems, etc. I was
> curious if All In One Ruby
> (http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?AllInOneRuby) would be a good solution
> or if anyone has done any further work on the One-Click-Installer or
> anything else similar.
This functionality is slated to be part of the 1.0 release. There is a
RESEARCH patch up on the development web site with details of how it would be
Marcel Molina Jr. <marcel-WRrfy3IlpWYdnm+yROfE0A@public.gmane.org>