I make an analysis sequence on R. In some cases the function glm.nb fail to
ajust the model. Its Ok. The problem is that this error stop the program. I
need treat this error and not stop the program. Something like this:
model <- glm.nb(y~x,maxit=1000)
if(glm.nb fail) {
teste[i] <- 0
else {
teste[i] <- anova(modelo)$"P(>|Chi|)"[2]
I try this:
model <- NULL
model <- glm.nb(y~x,maxit=1000)
## When this fail model is not create, then model <- NULL
if(is.null(model)) {
teste[i] <- 0
else {
teste[i] <- anova(modelo)$"P(>|Chi|)"[2]
But the problem is the glm.nb error stop the program.
Any idea?
Existe uma diferen??a entre o acidente e a cat??strofe. O acidente ?? quando cai
o avi??o. A cat??strofe ?? quando morre todo mundo
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