Dear all,
I'm new to frailty model. I have a question on the output from
pack. Below is the output. What does gamma1,2,3 refer to? How do I
calculate joint hazard function or marginal hazard function using info
below? Many thanks!
coxph(formula = surv ~ as.factor(tibia) + frailty(as.factor(bdcat)),
data = try)
n=877 (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF p
as.factor(tibia)2 0.214 0.126 0.125 2.89 1.00 0.0890
frailty(as.factor(bdcat)) 10.24 1.65 0.0038
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
as.factor(tibia)2 1.238 0.808 0.968 1.58
gamma:1 0.716 1.398 0.496 1.03
gamma:2 1.036 0.965 0.750 1.43
gamma:3 1.248 0.801 0.901 1.73
Iterations: 10 outer, 27 Newton-Raphson
Variance of random effect= 0.0648 I-likelihood = -1756.4
Degrees of freedom for terms= 1.0 1.6
Rsquare= 0.016 (max possible= 0.982 )
Likelihood ratio test= 14.3 on 2.64 df, p=0.00171
Wald test = 11.5 on 2.64 df, p=0.00668
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